No matter what is going on my life I
always make time for an all around healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy
and making time to go to the gym is completely mandetory. I don't
allow myself the option to ditch the weights or healthy plates in times of stress or a loaded schedule. Being consistant is super important in achieving your goals not only in the gym but in general. Choosing to be
healthy and active is not only extremely important for your physical
health, but as well as your psychological. Exercise and weight training especially will help you stave off muscle loss, keep your bones strong, and help you control your weight. Exercise can decrease
stress, give you a boost of energy, and even lighten your mood. Everyone gets stressed, but what matters is how you handle it. Being positive in times of stress is hard I know but I try to send out positive energy and thoughts into the atmosphere. I try to keep my emotional state in check daily, and feed Mind, Body, & Spirit. Leading and maintaining a
healthy lifestyle is about consistency. Keeping those healthy
choices in check everyday, by PLANNING and being PREPARED! Don't leave your "lunch" or "breaktime snack" up to chance.."Oh, I'll find a healthy snack" Chances are you WON'T when it comes down to it. Planning ahead is extremely important for success. Changes don't happen overnight, it takes consistency for results. It really is all about the long term, and
setting goals for the future will keep you striving to make those
healthy descions daily. If your constitant about setting weekly and
even daily goals of what you would like to accomplish then your on your way to being successful. Setting and achieving short term goals will only be
your stepping stone to the MEGA Momma long term goal. So, keep setting goals, figure out what positive changes you have to make to set yourself up for success in attaining your goals, and set some "YOU" time aside!!
xoxo Until next time
Don't give up, The beginning is the hardest part!!
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