-CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE...Switch things up at the gym!! Change is hard for a lot of people in any scenario, but constantly confusing your body with new workouts and exercises will be the most beneficial for you.
-PORTIONS & TIMING... Eat well balanced meals. Try to eat 6 small meals a day, or like 3 meals with 3 snacks in between. So, pretty much every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism and blood sugar levels at a constant state. Try to measure out your food, I know this takes extra time, but have you ever actually seen the serving sizes of a lot of foods out there..You'd be surprised that it's NOT very big. Measuring is a sure way to know exactly how much your consuming and it'll give you "THE EYE" after you've done it enough times.
-TAKE THE STAIRS & FIDGET...Seriously, skip the habit of just getting on the boring elevator, it's awkward with strangers anyways..The stairs have much more scenery to offer. Fidgeting in your seat, tapping, constant moving is burning calories...a small amount but it still adds up & maybe keeps you awake in class?..Watching tv- do something active during the commercials...
-CHALLENGE YOURSELF...Challenge yourself to something new each week...like "I will try not to eat out more than 3 times this week"...or I'll get __more hours of sleep this week...or I'll try a new ___class at the gym this week. Challenging yourself and succeeding not only gives you a sense of accomplishment but a boost of confidence too...Just don't forget to write it down or tell a friend about your CHALLENGE it should hold you to it a little bit more..
-DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST...Breakfast is so important. Your body has been in a fasting like state all night..To rev up your metabolism and kick start it off right eat breakfast!
-SLOW DOWN...Eat your food SSSsslower.............Savor every bite and concentrate on it. Chew slower and make sure you drink in between each bite. Try eating with CHOPSTICKS..how do you think those asians stay so thin ehhhhayyyyy
-DRINK WATER...Drinking enough water will help with weight loss. Water is over half of what our bodies are made of. Sometimes your actually really thirsty when you think that your hungry..SO Try Drinking 64- 100 oz of water a day & make it COLD.
-NIGHTTIME NOSHING...Eating at night is fine...BUT it matters WHAT your eating at night. Try not to eat heavy carbs at night. Carbs are ENERGY! Why would you need energy to go to sleep, your body is going to store that as extra and in the form of fat. So try eating protein at night!!
-AND DON"T CRASH DIET! Crash dieting will only SLOW your metabolism dooooooooooown and stall it. Your body is smarter than you and if it feels like it's being starved, it's going to hold onto everything it has. Make sure you keep your calorie intake up but still leave a deficit through exercise and portion control.
Stay healthy!
xoxox Jamie
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